Why TISI Certification is Crucial for Success in the Thai Market?

June 1, 2024

In recent years, many foreign businesses have shown interest in expanding into the Thai market, particularly in the electronics industry. Whether buying, selling, importing, or producing electronic products, the Thai market is vital. To operate successfully, foreign businesses must comply with Thai laws, one of which is the “TISI Mandatory Certification Mark”.

What exactly is the “TISI Mandatory Certification Mark,” and what impact does it have on businesses?

The Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), established under the Ministry of Industry, is the standardization organization and certification body in Thailand. It is responsible for formulating national product quality requirements and monitoring products and assessment procedures to ensure consumer safety.

TISI certification consists of two types of certification marks: "voluntary certification marks" and "mandatory certification marks." Voluntary marks are applied at the business's discretion, while mandatory marks are required for certain products. Products requiring mandatory certification including but not limited to electrical and electronic equipment, civil construction materials, medical devices, vehicles, machinery products, agricultural products, food, and toys. Other products generally fall under the voluntary certification marks. (For more required products please see the link as follow:

Link : https://www.tisi.go.th/website/standardlist/comp_thai/th )

The mandatory certification mark is divided into two types of licenses: domestic production product licenses and import product licenses. For both types of licenses, businesses must pass product and factory inspections conducted by TISI at no charge, before applying for the license online at the TISI e-License portal. The application process takes around 15 working days, including application acceptance, evaluation, product inspection report, and certificate issuance. Once approved, the license can be obtained from the website. Additionally, the Thai government requires producers, importers, and sellers to comply with the prescribed standards in manufacturing, importing, and selling products. Upon certification, businesses must affix the mandatory certification mark on each product, indicating legal compliance.

Under the Product Quality Certification Act, violating production and import standards can result in imprisonment of up to two years, a fine of up to two million baht, or both. Selling non-compliant products can lead to imprisonment of up to six months, a fine of up to fifty thousand baht, or both.

The regulations set by TISI not only standardize the production, import, and sale of products but also enhance consumer trust, ensuring the reliability of the Thai market and the long-term development of various brands. Therefore, TISI’s quality certification is crucial for businesses aiming for success in Thailand.